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Ah, the Brits!
(And we ain't talkin' The Queen, here)
First, of course, there's Fawlty Towers (click
picture for the link) which is the all-time best show the BBC ever
produced. John Cleese played Basil Fawlty, Prunella Scales was Sybil,
Connie Booth as Polly and Andrew Sachs was Manuel. He's from Barcelona,
you know.
Here's some pics from my favorite show!
The Germans The Wedding
The Kipper and the Corpse
For any of you guys out there who ever had a crush on Polly, this is for you!
This is the view from a Tourquay bedroom window.
Buy Fawlty Towers on VHS at bbcshop.com or beeb.com
Another one of my favorites! The Young Ones ran in England from about 1982-1984. 4 flat mates who couldn't stand each other. Rik Mayall played Rik, an anarchist, Adrian Edmondson was Vyvian the punk, Nigel Planer played Neil the hippie and Christopher Ryan was , the stud.
Here are some lines which you totally won't get unless you like the show:
"Who produced the world's stickiest bogey and the world's stupidest bottom-burp?"
"Vyv's being violently and copiously sick because Rik's like, scored with a chick, and the whole house has gone through some kind of time warp!"
Look at Neil just swatting away for teacher like a total spasmo!"
Buy The Young Ones on VHS at bbcshop.com or beeb.com
Without a doubt, the best of the best is Monty Python's Flying Circus (Click the picture for the link.) John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin and Terry Jones all make up the troupe.
Buy Monty Python's Flying Circus on VHS at bbcshop.com or beeb.com
Rowan Atkinson plays The Black Adder in this 4 part series the BBC put out in the 80's. There's Black Adder I, II, III and The Black Adder Goes Forth. It also starred Tony Robinson as Baldrick, Tim McInnery as Percy, Stephen Frye and Hugh Laurie.
Buy The Black Adder on VHS at bbcshop.com or beeb.com
Honorable mentions go to:
Absolutely Fabulous (It's pretty bloody good,
Filthy, Rich and Catflap (Starring the Young Ones boys)
Open All Night (Storekeeper with a stutter, gotta love it!)
The Dangerous Brothers (Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall as a disgusting daredevil team)
One Foot in the Grave (The new Cosby series is based on this show)
Are You Being Served? (It was on forever and every episode is funny)
Bottom (With Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall
again, but these 2 are great together. And with names like Richard Richard
and Eddie Hitler, how can you go wrong?
Dwarf (Idiots stuck on an Intergalactic Space Station)
All these videos can be bought at bbcshop.com or beeb.com
Got a favorite British TV Show you'd like to share? Have a Comment or Want to E-Mail? Please do!