Karen Stewart
Voiceovers / Karen's
Horror-ble Hobby / Michael's Art
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/ The Hot List / Home
Please let me know what you think about our web site! Just leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with the other people that visit. Any ideas or comments you have, here's your chance to vent! (But be nice, we know where you live!)
Karen Stewart
Voiceovers / Karen's
Horror-ble Hobby / Michael's Art
Latest Buzz / Pictures
/ The Hot List / Home
Please let me know what you think about our web site! Just leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with the other people that visit. Any ideas or comments you have, here's your chance to vent! (But be nice, we know where you live!)
I think this looks terrific!
Me like it, I from a simple place, bread from simple people who live a simple way of life. Us upstate New Yorkers are a not what you would call sophistcated in any way, and are scared of any new thing thats developed by what we call "cool Big Cityers" (New Yorkers). Since I come from a small shallow place and an equally shallow way of life, I can only offer a simple comment: It good! But us would never wear spandex shorts under cut offs!! Thats where us draw the line!
Me like it, I from a simple place, bread from simple people who live a simple way of life. Us upstate New Yorkers are a not what you would call sophistcated in any way, and are scared of any new thing thats developed by what we call "cool Big Cityers" (New Yorkers). Since I come from a small shallow place and an equally shallow way of life, I can only offer a simple comment: It good! But us would never wear spandex shorts under cut offs!! Thats where us draw the line!
You are one truly amazing individual. Imagine YOU figuring this all out on your own. I love your Web site, and damn it, I love you! But fix the typo near the bottom on the comments line. I'll settle for nothing less than perfection...
Karen, You are always soooo damn creative. When do you have the time to do all of these things when I know for a fact the radio station is capable of sucking the life right out of you!!!! You're the best & your husband doesn't seem so bad either, quite a cutie!!!! Love, Joi
Karen: Very cool site! It's been years but I feel like I know all about you now. Pretty impressive resume -- who knew you'd grow up to do exactly what you always wanted. I never knew being a Flo & Eddie fan could get you so far in life :-)
Love, <a href="mailto:elle68@earthlink.net">Ellen</a> PS who is this "Stewart" person. :-)
Karen, I always enjoy listening to you when I'm in town. Fondly, Bill Clinton
Dear Karen: Love your site keep up the good work.Your the best cohost that Jim ever had.I've been listening to Jim since he started on that other country station. Richard Mullare.
Karen, You have done a very nice job here.....on this blue marble. RED planet perhaps, Angry ; no way ! A very beautiful voice to boot . Keep it up. Tom O.
Karen, You have done a very nice job here.....on this blue marble. RED planet perhaps, Angry ; no way ! A very beautiful voice to boot . Keep it up. Tom O.
you are so pretty and mike is handsome! rudy is adorable. this is great someone with same likes as myself. rutger hauer is hot and horror movies rule. this was alot of fun. sue hammett missnwo@nac.net
Karen, thanks for sharing your website. Your animals are beautiful and should have pages of their own, highlighting their stories and how they came to share their lives with you and Michael. You are invited to visit <a href="http://www.bratcats.com">The BratCats</a> and meet Brandee, Dondee and Gatsby.<br><center><a href="http://www.geocities.com/bratcats5"><img src="http://www.geocities.com/bratcats5/macban2.gif" width=468 height=60 border=0 alt="BratCats Banner">
Hi, Karen, and thank you for sharing your website with us. Your pets are just beautiful and I'd like to suggest that you add, to your site, their stories and how they came to share their lives with you and Michael. You are also invited to visit The BratCats at: http://www.bratcats.com.
I've been listening to you for years (even back with Dave Herman). Love what you've been doing with Jim in the mornings. You compiment Jim perfectly.
Karen - great web site! I have a grey and white cat just like yours. I call her Annie and she too was adopted from the street. And she is a sweetheart. I have two others - Gracie and Dreyfus. I hope you'll check out my web site called CountryVoice.com at www.countryvoice.com. Paul, Edison, NJ
Great site. I live in Pa. and listen to your show everyday. and had to get on the site, wasn't disapointed.The pic. are great, Mike is realy a lucky guy to have a talented and sexy wife.
Karen, You are so very sweet to share a bit of yourself with us. You did a GREAT job. Thanks Linda M. Staten Island
OK, I agree with you, coffee slupring is discusting!!! - Love you in the morning and love you more now I know who you are :) We have two great kitty's also....That's the best part!!! We want more Kitty's
Christine - Yonkers, NY
Love your Web-site and love you and Jim and the crew on the morning show!! I've been a listener for forever and remember when you and Mike first met, got together and followed the whole relation- ship! I hope you're both happy FOREVER!!
Hi karen! I listen to you and Jim on the radio every morning, and heard you play your web site commercial.. so thought I'd take a look. I really enjoyed see the pictures you put on your site. Its nice to put a face with a voice you hear every morning..! great web site.. Kathy DeSantis Somerset, New Jersey
So, You'll put up the nude painting? I guess I'll be looking for it. Looks like you'll have enough hits to have to "pay up".
Be back soon,
Joe Hughes Bergenfield, NJ
How about "put your comments here" instead of "put you comments here." Oops. Must get back and continue reading.
Your a crazy lady -- I liston to Y107 every morning going to work 7 am to 7:30 am. The web site is fun - I need some fun. Keep it up - I noticed that quite a few people have contacted you since this morning. Thats great, proves people are listening. My son met a wonderful lady through your station, he is divorced and has 2 sons. The lady and my son are getting married this summer. She is really great with the boys. Talk to you later. A fan.
I heard Karen and Jim talking about this website this morning and I just had to see it for myself. Too bad the song doesn't play along.
I heard your commercial this morning and had to check this out. You did a great job. I enjoy you and the rest of the morning crew every day on my way to work. You may be in trouble with that nude painting. I was number l611. Only 3389 to go.
Karen - I heard you talking about your website yesterday morning on my way to work. This is the first time (aside from checking out my daughter's two webpages - she's a designer herself) that I have ever logged on to a 'personal page'. Great job! and great morning show. My radio is ALWAYS tuned into Y107. Keep up the good work. Diane T. P.S. Don't let them talk you into showing the nude painting - some things have to be left to the imagination!
Karen - I heard you talking about your website yesterday morning on my way to work. This is the first time (aside from checking out my daughter's two webpages - she's a designer herself) that I have ever logged on to a 'personal page'. Great job! and great morning show. My radio is ALWAYS tuned into Y107. Keep up the good work. Diane T. P.S. Don't let them talk you into showing the nude painting - some things have to be left to the imagination!
Karen - I heard you talking about your website yesterday morning on my way to work. This is the first time (aside from checking out my daughter's two webpages - she's a designer herself) that I have ever logged on to a 'personal page'. Great job! and great morning show. My radio is ALWAYS tuned into Y107. Keep up the good work. Diane T.
P.S. Don't let them talk you into showing the nude painting - some things have to be left to the imagination!
Karen - I heard you talking about your website yesterday morning on my way to work. This is the first time (aside from checking out my daughter's two webpages - she's a designer herself) that I have ever logged on to a 'personal page'. Great job! and great morning show. My radio is ALWAYS tuned into Y107. Keep up the good work. Diane T.
P.S. Don't let them talk you into showing the nude painting - some things have to be left to the imagination!
Dear Karen, Love It. I'm a loyal listner of Y107, but not a New Yorker. I live in Pa. 30 miles north of Phila. I drive truck in the New York and surrounding area. I've been listing to Jim keer since 1984, when he was at plj and then mix 105 and now Y107 , anyway I love your web site and I will keep comming back to check it out. keep up the good work. I love the pictures of the critters A very loyal listner,
Bob J. Hermitbob@easy-pages.com P.S I Love the morning show tell Jim I said Hi I'm a big fan of his thanks and the whole morning crew Y107 rules.
Karen- at this rate you will get to 5000 hits in no time. You know what I mean. :-) Love the site and the show, but please, be nice to Eric.
hi karen, love the web site. you did a great job. i would like to see some pictures of jim and eric from the morning show - maybe you could put a couple under pictures of friends or start another heading - pictures of co-workers. good luck with the website and i'll keep listening to Y107 to here how its going. looking forward to seeing the pictures with the Saprano's. take care. tina
I really love this painting. I just E-maile Karen and told her. You are very talented. Finish building this soon!!! :) Kim (Yonkers) :)
One more hit towards the 5000 mark
One more hit towards the 5000 mark
Hey Karen - I think you would not have talked about that painting so much unless you really wanted to post it. Go for it, girl. It is eagerly awaited by many, I am sure. Y107 is my station (wish you could pump up the juice, though - way too much static in Queens)
Hi Karen!Fun site you put together.The vacation pics were nice.Ever been to Sedona,Arizona?There was so many places I wanted to see but didn't have enough time.We did a horseback tour of the Anasazi ruins in Canyon de Chelly that left us in total awe.Although 3 days on a horse was a little much for my wife.I'm looking forward to another overnighter to Superstition mountain or Monument Valley.
Karen I think your web site is great. I heard you talking about it that you made it yourself. what a great job. I love you in the morning, it wasn't the same last week when you were on vacation. keep up the great work. Stacy Bishop Oakland,NJ p.s. we have the same doctor
dear karen, love you site and it is so nice to have some background especially as I wake up with you and Jim in the morning...love your show and now I feel that I know you since having visited you pages. your house is lovely. doesnt look like Long Island. Looks more like a home in my neck of the woods which is Mahopac, NY
well the soprano pix are everything you promised...you look mah-ve-lous, baby! come to leonardo and have breakfast coke with me! golly i'm sorry i saw eric's px! it's not that there's wrong with it! i just imagined him not only so different, but i realized i've seen him before and i didn't know it was him. same thing happened with taylor. ah, the problem with radio!
loved the pets! loved the hubby! should do a whole section how you and the hubster met that would very nice.
peace and love!
Check out CountryVoice.com at www.countryvoice.com for great concert and country music info.
Hi Karen and Michael, I'm a Y-107 listener. The website is great!!! A great place to visit is Jackson Hole,Wyoming. I've been there 7 times and I'd go back to visit in a heartbeat. Thanks for a fun website. Take Care, Diane Furlong
Karen wonderful site , love listening to you and Jim , can't wait for 2284 more visitors to your site
We've heard of this great place to visit - Madison Ave. in Ocean, NJ Good food, great company and lots of laughs. Nice pictures!
I enjoy your web site as well as your pictures keep up the good work. you did a very good job on your web site.
Still Waiting for 5000 (a Y107 fan)
Karen... as always you take a simple thing like a website and turn it into pure, unadulterated ART!! Luv ya baby,
Other than the pictures being a little dark this is a very nice site. Hope to see more in the future.
Very cool I specially liked the flying Bat
Heard you mention the site on Y107 3/31 and was sitting at my PC studing for the next Microsoft Cert exam on the way to an MCSE cert. Couldn't resist a momet of diversion and glad I did
I'll be back to look around more carefully when I'm not quite so focused on connecting to the Microsoft mind meld
You put in an enormous effort and with great results - maby you should dump that Jim guy and create Websites full time (Just kidding about dumping Jim - I listen every day and it's a great show including Eric and Edna (I'll bet I got her name wrong but having the whole crew partisipate is a real plus)
John R Highlands, NJ
karen, you crack me up. Thanks to all of you at Y107 for making my morning (and evening) commute more bearable. Good for you for building your own web site, you smarty pants. I will visit again soon, the next time I need to lighten up ! Pam
Have been hearing so much about this site in my moring drive, this is my 1st chance to sit and see for myself what great work you did! Pretty cool Karen~ keep up the great work!
Krystina S
Dear Karen, Hi! I have been a country music fan for about ten years and love it. I listen to the Jim Kerr show every morning and love you guys. You always manage to start my day with a smile. Just wanted to say thanks.
Hi Karen and Michael, good evening! I'm a Y-107 listener. The website rocks!!! I have been a country music fan for about ten years and still enjoy it. I listen to the Jim Kerr show every morning and love all the guys and gals. I start the day with a smile because of Y107 and you. Just wanted to say thanks. *****Y107 is my favorite country station!!! -I do wish you could pump up the juice, though way too much static in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn-*****
Have you ever been to my webpage? I hope to see you in this summer's Y107 Free Lunch concert in NYC. My webpage is called "Manfong's Lila McCann World." You could find the link when you type my name, manfong, into a search engine.
I had a good time here..... >;-) Manfong
Karen - GREAT WEB SITE! Keep up the great work. Y107 listenres - check out this great country music web site called CountryVoice.com. www.countryvoice.com Thank you very musch. Elvis
Karen - great web site. Keep up the great work. Y107 listeners - check out this country music web site called CountryVoice.com at www.countryvoice.com. Thank you very much. Elvis
Great site, doll. You rock! I agree with Michael's mom. Michael is dripping with talent and needs to show off more of his artwork. (Stop hogging all the glory, will ya?) Thanks for putting the photo of us on your Web site. I guess I'll take this opportunity to say that I'm single and lookin'... any takers?
Dear Karen,
I think it is so wonderful that you went from my old favorite radio station, WNEW 102.7 to my New favorite radio station, Y107!! I thought I recognized your name but was a little unsure until today when I went to the webiste and read how you got your nickname. I used to have the hugest crush on Dave Herman's voice!!Today I was lucky enough to catch the roadshow van in Garfield, NJ and was even luckier to (finally) receive a t-shirt!!! Keep up the amazing work!!! You are as beautiful as me!!! (All us redheads gotta stick together!!) Great Job on this site!!!
Dear Karen, I think it is wonderful that you went from my Old favorite radio station, 102.7 WNEW to my New favorite radio station Y107!! How great is that!! I thought I recognized your name but was a little unsure until I went to your web page and read the part how you got your nickname. Terrific job on this site!! Today I was lucky to catch the roadshow at a bagel shop in Garfield, NJ. And even luckier to acquire a Y107 T-shirt!!! WooHoo!!!! Keep up the great work!! You are just as beautiful as I am (us redheads need to stick togehter!!)Wendy
Hi, just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your site! It's fun and different. I listen to you and Jim every morning. I heard about the site there.
I love animals, also. We have Rusty (a Keeshond), Sassy (a tortoiseshell kitten, looks just like yours. She was abandoned at a week old and we nursed her to the diva she is now!) and Chelsea (a Devon Rex Cat with an attitude) We've also rescued several cats and found homes for them. (they seem to gravitate to our house). Keep up the great work!
Hi Karen. I'm a fan of yours from your morning show. You keep me laughing through all the traffic every morning. I used to think that Tim McGraw was the luckiest guy on the planet. But after seeing your lovely pictures, tell you husband to step to the front of the line! Best of luck to you in your continued romance! A fan from Mamaroneck, Kent
Your Wedding dress is fab. Where did you get it. I am to get married for the 3rd time and I would love a dress in off-off-off white for my special day. My e-mail is Monica.funk@innovex.com
You guys look like you are soo young. enjoy and have fun. looks like you do. Best wishes Monica
It looks like we might make 5000 after all
We want art...Mikey,Mikey,Mikey...Hurry,Hurry,Hurry ...Do it, Do it, Do it...NOW,NOW,NOW !!!
love your page, I have been involved in animal rescue for about 20 years now, currently I have 3 dogs. apache, 7 yr young husky/wolf hibred boccio, 2yr old pit bull,rottie jasper, black lab/coon hound. also love horror. regards, Gary ps. sites great, we can do better. www.iascinspirations.com
Karen, you are so beautiful! God bless you and your family. I miss you when you are not at the radio station. I love your input and interaction with Jim, Eric and Jay. My husband loves you too!
Hi Karen - I love the Website. I am new to country music only listenning for a little over a year now. I am completely addicted to it now. I listen every morning to you, Jim, Eric and Edna. You guys really make my morning complete. I am glad I finally logged on to the website. I love your animals - Lucy, Carolina and Rudy. I to love animals and have 2 cats - both strays. Creampuff who is 17 years old and Tabby who is 14. Both of them were found as little babies in the streets of my neighborhood and are without a doubt the loves of my life. I love to listen to you talk in the mornings about Shane Minor (Major); Toby Keith and all the other hotties of Country Music. Hopefully maybe one day I will meet you at one of the Y107 events. Till I check in on the Website next time, see ya. Hope to check out Michael's artwork once completed.
Hi Karen and Michael,
Hi Karen & Michael, I have found London and the other towns and cities I have visited in England to be great. You might also try the Costa del Sol in Spain. I am a faithful morning listener to the Jim Kerr show. Thank you all for your show. Annette Brown -- abrown29@gateway.net
Hi, I really enjoy listening to Y-107.The morning show is my favorite,even though I am not what you call a morning person.I enjoyed your website back in March,but since it never gets updated it is no longer worth checking out.PLEASE let your listeners know if you ever do update it. Thanks!
what happened to the painting that was ariving at 5000 hits
I love this site. I have finally found someone who has a sick mind like myself. I have always been a fan of horror and "bad" slasher movies. Thanks for sharing your collection. Keep it up.
Hey, I was visitor 5,289, so where is the naked you? I heard you talking this morning about it. Are you really going to do it? You go girl. Love the station and the chemistry between you and Jim,keep up the great work.
I just got married in Las Vegas. I am not much of a gambler but it was the best vacation I have been on in a long time. The hotels are incredible, the shows are wonderful and the food is cheap. I loved visiting Lake Mead and Red Rock Canyon. I look forward to going back and seeing more. Eleanor Hay ehay15@hotmail.com
I love you! Wanna move away and join the band?
Kiss Kiss, Ace Frehley
I don't know if you read all these comments or not, but I had to tell you, I Love You. I have been listning to Y107 from the beginning, and I really enjoy it. But I have to tell you I love listning to you and the gang in the morning. I leave for work at 5:15 am and have about a 100 mile drive, So I get to listen to you on my way in, then I listen to you on the internet. I saw your pic on the Y107 web page and thought you were beautful there, but now I got to see your other pics, and my god are you hot, and what a great body and beautiful smile. Well, before you think I am a stalker, I will go, I enjoyed your site and will visit often, if you and your husband ever get to the Jersey Shore let me know I would love to take you out for dinner.
Oh yeah here is my e-mail address, I ahve the above comment, pcman@adelphia.net. If you ever need any computer work or networking done, let me know.
Karen - you, Jim, and Eric have a great morning show. Love all the political comedy. For more news on country music check out www.countryvoice.com
dearkaren love your family as i have three cats of my own nosie 12 rainbow 13 and monster cat mimie who is 3 listen to you every day on y107 . am going to miss you all as am leavving new york state may God bless you and everyone on the show, I hope all your dreams for your future all come true.have wonder holliday LOVE B,BEANRETIRED
Love your web site.i guess you are both very busie to up date many of the things ,have a wonderfull holiday,
You were one pretty bride.........
you and michael are going to make wonderfull parents ,that is going to be one lucky baby girl,
HI! What's going on? They didn't renew your contracts? I am so damn bummed! I'm pissed at the radio station. Who can I email there to let them know how disappointed I am!?
Thanks! debbie dhrabinski@rehs.rutgers.edu
ps - good luck w/ Olivia. I have a beautiful little 7 yr old daughter and she's the joy of my life. If it weren't for her I probably wouldn't be here today...enjoy every minute of it (even when they are throwing up on u :-)
This is not a comment on your site because I will go back at another time...I have never in my 46 years have called, written or contacted a radio station but....Wednesday afternoon on my way home from work I was tuned into 107.1 and heard for the fist time that Jim Kerr's last day was today I nearly went off the road. Are the people at that station all nuts??? I am not a big country music fan, I enjoy a variety of music and on my ride to work in the mornings I would listen to you, Jim, Eric and Jay and I kept coming back for more...you guys are great there is an honesty, integrity, intelligence, a humor that I just enjoyed listening to you, I was in tears driving this morning listening to how graciously and proudly and again with great integrity you spoke with each other...there are some reall garbage people on radion today and you guys made my drive to work so fun you will be greatly missed a huge loss to us all. The four of you were so insinc with each other it was just a great time to listen to you. So glad Karen that you told your joke today, Good things will come out of this... I just had to say there has never been a team of people that have touched my core as you four have...the mornings will never be the same. I will tune in next week just out of curiosity to see who they have put in your place..All the best to all of you ....Best Regards Susan D'Alessandro, Glen Cove, New York
Hello Karen! First I want to wish you well with your soon to be delivery of your little girl. I love your website! I think it's great that we can get to know you and your family (home and on radio) more intimately. You and Jim Kerr and Eric's laugh were the most precious time for me while driving to work. You kept it fun and interesting...I never knew what discussion would erupt next! I loved your Nun joke!! I am very sad that Jim is leaving Y107 and you are not there either. Even though the music is wonderful, the DJ's make the choice whether you will listen or not. You guys are the best!! What a team!! I hope you will all work together again. Much happiness and health to you and yours. I have two great kids (21 and 16) and I have enjoyed every stage of their life and still do. I know you're going to be a busy person the next couple of weeks but if you could I would love to get an e-mail from you. Thanks!!! dorothyf@us.ibm.com
we love you karen. be well!!!
Karen, Your website is great. Now for other comments, I really miss you guys in the morning. My day always started off with a laugh now I sometimes forget to turn on the radio. While I like Ray Rossi, he is not what I want in the morning. I want conversation, disagreements, and laughter. You people were like my extended family, someone there after everyone else left for the day. I have already sent letters to the station, but I know once decisions are made they are final. Lots of Luck to you in the future and hope to hear your lovely voice again.(I loved the Nun joke and your version of some songs) Wish it could be with Jim, Eric and Jay. Geri Banditsfam@aol.com
Miss you, Jim and Eric in the mornings. I wish you and your lovely family all the best] Andrea Doherty
what ever happened to jim kerr? are you returning to the station? Good Luck, We all miss you!!! Station is not the same.
Where's Olivia Grace? <winking>
We can hardly wait. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you since we heard the wonderful news of your pregnancy! Sincerely, Cathy, Mike and Victoria
The new website is great. know the baby is here thats great.Hurry and get pictures of her on th site
What's this? I take a vacation, come home and find out I won't be hearing you and Jim on Y-107???
Very, very sad to hear that. Finally, there was smart morning commentary WITH country music in the mornings!
Hope to hear you (and Jim) on the air soon.
In the meantime, I'm sure you'll be quite busy with your new baby girl.
Good luck!
Larry West
Dear Karen, I have been a faithful country music lover for years, I even lived through the days when NJ/NY did not have a country radio station. But my mornings have not been the same without you and Jim Kerr!It is like losing an old friend! Why would a station make such a foolish mistake like that?!!? I hope you guys come back to radio together soon! Your listeners miss you! Sincerely, Melody Wilkens melodywilkens@aol.com
Dear Karen and Mike .The baby is beautiful .Just like her Mom.ish I could send u and e-Mail but you won't.God bless you all Hope you are back on the air again soon.Down here in N.C. listen to WRNS.Miss all the good times on Y107.Love bbeanretired@aol.com
Dear Karen and Mike, the baby is beautifuljust like her Mom. Wish i could e-mail you,Miss talking to you.Hear in north carolina i listen to WRNS good but not like Jim and You.God Bless all of you. Beat the cancer.With all the prays from you and the y`07 listerns.Thanks All my loveBbeanretired @aol.com
Olivia is the cutest newborn I have ever seen. She is precious!!!
Your daughter is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Congratulations!!!
Sincerely, A dedicated Y107 listener
P.S.-- Loved the morning show!!!
Olivia's BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations to you both - I can't tell you how much I miss you each morning - my timing is all off without your celebrity news at 7:20 - I'll keep checking your site to see where you will be "appearing" next - in the meantime, enjoy that precious gift - keep well & happy - Joanne
Dear Karen and Michael, I have been checking for the news for weeks. Congrats. I wish you a lifetime of joy and happiness with Olivia. Karen, I miss hearing you in the morning. Keep updating your page please, so your loyal fans can be updated. -Lori Tintella
Karen, congratulations to you and your husband on Olivia's birth. She is a beautiful baby. I really miss you, Jim and Eric on the morning show and I can't understand why Y107 wouldn't keep you guys. You were the best! Good luck to you in whatever you do next.
Kristi from Stratford, CT
Karen - your web site is great, and Olivia is sooooo cute!!! You, Michael and Olivia make a great family. As many of the comments before, I am seriously going through withdrawal that you and Jim and Eric are no longer on the morning show at Y107. Please keep us updated as to what is happening with all of you. I would love an email back if you ever have a free minute. They will be few and far between with Olivia here now. Enjoy every minute of every day - they grow SOOOOOO fast. Best of luck in whatever comes next. Regards to Jim and Eric (I'm sure you keep in touch with them!!) Marisa V. vesperti@us.ibm.com
First - Congrats!! on the beautiful baby girl.
Second - We all really miss you! :(
Third - When are you and Jim and Eric and Jay getting back together. I can't make it thru my morning commute without listening to you guys!! It's really dull listening to Y107 or any other station. Come back (somewhere - anywhere) soon!!!
Hi Karen, First of all congratulations to you and Michael on the birth of Olivia!!! God Bless her always. On another note I have to tell you, I really miss you and the morning show to pieces !!!! I am lost without you guys. I like Ray Rossi very much, but he just does not get my morning going in the same way. The drive in is just not the same. I find myseld channel surfing..... BIG MISTAKE your boss made !!!! My very best wishes for you and your family, and for your future sucess!!! Thanks for making my morning commute. Denise
Congrats on the baby, Im so sorry it wasnt easier on you, Karen...42 hours!! Just like everyone else I miss the Morning show. Let us know where you end up, Ill listen to you anywhere! Valerie Quick
What happened to the morning crew on Y107?Are you coming back on Radio and where?Where did Jim go?
Dear Karen, Olivia is beautful!! Congratulations! :-) Enjoy her. Please come back to Y107--we miss you!!! It hasn't been the same without you and Jim and the rest of the morning crew. :-( Good luck in whatever you do in the future! Take care. -Linda and Jamie Cohen N. Massapequa, NY
I met you, Jim & many others at Woodbridge Center Mall this year for the St. Jude Radiothon. You were all so nice! Many thanks for a great morning show - it was nice to listen to you on the ride into work. I think I speak for many when I say that you are all missed on Y-107 in the morning.
Best wishes to you, your husband and Olivia. She is beautiful and I'm sure that you could never have imagined how wonderful it would be to have a child.
When will you be back on the radio - and where?????
HSC - Glen Gardner, NJ
Great Site!!! Miss you on the radio..
Congratulations on your new baby. She's beautiful and I'll never forget her birthday. It's the same as mine! I guess you've been busy lately with the baby. I really miss the Jim Kerr morning show. Thank you so much for all those mornings. Sometimes sitting in traffic, I was grateful for the entertainment. I hope to hear you again very soon.
Karen your Olivia is a beauty. Just like her Mom.I am wishing you an early Birthday I know it is Sept. 18th. Have a wonderful and blessed one.Barb
very well done!
karen - did you leave 107 and if so what station are you on now?
karen - did you leave 107 and if so what station are you on now?
Hey Karen, Was surfing around and came across your site. Hope everything is going well. Big Hank still asks when were all going to play cards again in his basement!!! Say hello to Mike & Olivia. John Parker you can check out my site at: http://hometown.aol.com/parker1028
Karen, I heard you on Y107 the other day doing the traffic. What a pleasant surprise. 1st of all, congratulations Mommy & Daddy. Olivia is beautiful. Now, can you update the fans on what it is you, Jim and Eric are up to since Y107? I miss you guys terribly and sadly enough I no longer listen to the station. The latest morning format is not to mine or my husbands liking. If I wanted that 'oldies' format I would listen to a rock-n-roll station. And I have no patience for someone's Grandmother's Italian sayings or Jewish slang. I miss the entertaining, delightful and intelligent conversations of the old Morning Crew. Thanks for letting me vent! Good Luck and I hope you and your family remain safe and happy. Please give my regards to Jim and Eric. Thanks, Karen E. Cooney Former Y107 Listener KCooney3@aol.com
Dear Karen your web is great.Baby is beautiful.Know still can't write to you .still think of you and family as a friend barb
karen, how are you? miss you and jim in the mornings heck i miss y107... i worked in the trade center and have been relocated to midtown and now y107's reception is just not there i heard you doing traffic updates on 1010 wins while going home the other night and remembered this site (you mentioned it on y107) so what really happened at y107 - where jim go - where's eric i loved that station, the wtc concerts well just wanted to say hi i guess and congrats on the rug rat bob small an old fan thanks for everything
karen, how are you? miss you and jim in the mornings heck i miss y107... i worked in the trade center and have been relocated to midtown and now y107's reception is just not there - i heard you doing traffic updates on 1010 wins while going home the other night and remembered this site (you mentioned it on y107) - so what really happened at y107 - where jim go - where's eric - i loved that station, the wtc concerts well just wanted to say hi i guess and congrats on the rug rat bob small an old fan thanks for everything
Love the site, miss ya on Y107, but when are you planning on updating the site?
Hi Karen, Just found your website and love it. Your Little girl is beautiful. The pictures are great. I like everyone else miss the morning crew on y107 each morning, the station is not the same. To be honest I don't listen to it that often anymore. Wish all of you can return to the station again. I thought they made a big mistake, but who am I. I did hear you report the traffic on 1010 Wins one morning. Bye for now. Phyllis (From Yonkers)
I am about at the end of my rope, my daughter is so hateful everyday to her dad and me. We are so tired of her smarty attitude. I just don't know what else to do. Any advice out there? Help!!
It is fabulos bbut need pictures of Olivia .AS she is almort one.
Dear Karen,Mike,and Olivia the site is fantastick,You did a great job.Are you going to put new pictures of Olivia up? But you can not belive she is one already.God Bless.True fan
Dear Karen,Mike and Olivia, Your website is wonderful.Bet you cannot believe Olivia is a year old all ready.God Bless and watch over you all.
website is great Are you going to put new pictures of Olivia up soon? Godbless
Hi,When are you going to put new pictures of Olivia up.
fuck your web site i wana dog not a date
It's been a long strange road from having your news set ablaze at WKRB, hasn't it?? ;) Always a proof-positive pleasure, Pete PS - I havent figured out what is scarier - the picture with Paulie Walnuts or the one with Al Sharpton! EEE! :)
Wheen are you going to up date site? And put up new pictures of Olivia up
get prober hosting you dick coz pop ups suck dick
Hello Karen and Micheal; Congrats on the birth of Olivia!!! I hope motherhood is treating you well. I just wanted to say you are missed weekday mornings on Y107. Your y107 family friend Heather