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Please pardon the bad taste...but I love this stuff! Keep coming back!
Wanna See Something Really Scary?
(Click Each Picture And Watch It Grow!)
Here's me and "Exorcist" star, Linda Blair.
Me, my friend Jodi and star of "Last House On The
Left", David Hess.
Ben Chapman, star of the original "Creature From The
Black Lagoon."
Me and Karen Black. (One very strange Lady.)
Here's me and Tom Savini, Horror make-up man extrodinaire!
Do you love a good
flesh-eating Zombie movie?
great serial- murdering psycho movie?
Horror memorabilia or autographs?
in some great links?
If you answered "yes" to this one, you're just the kind of bona-fide
sicko I like talking to. I happen to prefer a nice Lucio Fulci movie,
myself. There's a link below to the official Fulci site.
Yeah, they're fun, aren't
they? Gotta love a good psycho on a rampage movie...fun, fun, fun.
Dario Argento is one of my favorites for delivering these. I'd have to go
with Susperia as my favorite Argento film. Aas far as the good old Slasher
movies go, though, I'm voting for Halloween. Carpenter really delivers on
this one, don't you think?
I've got a ton of great Horror collectibles and autographs. Most of them
I've gotten through on-line auctions and conventions. The Chiller
Convention is the best!
Here's some of the best links...
The Official Tom Savini website
Here it is, my movie pick of the
If you have anything to say or ideas to exchange, there's a Comments section and a link to my e-mail . Please let me know what you think!